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Local Testimonials Continued...


In addition to my real estate business, I have extensive experience flipping homes. Clients are always looking for an option to seal glass shower enclosures and countertops. After learning more about Diamon-Fusion® products, I located Clear and Bright Surfaces who is their local certified installer. We had them seal our 10' by 4' WHITE QUARTZ kitchen countertop. I will absolutely use them again...and I would recommend them to anyone. 

Jamie Dobecki Caldwell Banker, SLC UT

The glass company we purchased from offered a sealer, but I noticed their product left a film. The Clear and Bright treatment is crystal clear and most importantly, my wife was thrilled with how the water repels off of the glass. While they were here treating our glass we had them treat some counters as well. The service was great! The lifetime warranty is very impressive and maintenance is a breeze. I will be recommending to friends.

Derek Dalton Outback Custom Cabinets, Bluffdale UT

I have found the product to be impressive and exactly as advertised. It goes on clearly and does not change the character of the surface. When we treat shower enclosures with the Clear and Bright product, the water falls of the glass in a sheet. Clients only need to use a small towel to remove a few remaining water beads. It is very low maintenance.

Kenny Sharp Sharp Builders, SLC UT

I loved the way Diamon-Fusion® performed on the window, showers, tile, and granite at my home so much that I had DFI apply it to the window of my dealership and my courtesy shuttle vehicles. Now the glass at Ocean Honda is protected, sparkling, and easy to clean. My drivers love their clear windshields, especially in the rain."

Steve John, Tournament Director of the AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am and (previous) Owner of Ocean Honda - Santa Cruz, CA

The fact of the matter is that your product is fabulous. The [DFI coating protected] shower glass looks like it was never used 15-20 minutes after showering, and the glass balcony rails shimmer notwithstanding they are buffeted daily by westerly's carrying heavy moisture from the bay."

Walkie Ray, Ray Residence - Newport Beach, CA

As someone who does residential cleaning, I can truly say this product has made my job so much easier! Quality product and service!"

Thunder Bay, Ontario

Diamon-Fusion® is amazing...being on the saltwater in big water it's imperative I can see out my windows. The whole fleet could benefit from using this stuff." 

Mike Manns, Manns Charter Service - Homer, AK

I had Diamon Fusion® applied on my shower door in October 2001 and it is still very effective and has more than exceeded my expectations after all of these years.

Tom Thompson - Corona del Mar, CA

The right and the left sides of our large facility are joined together by our 'Fountain Room'. It is an octagonal, all glass structure, with a large water feature in the middle. In the two years I have been working at Donatelle, cleaning that fountain has been my custodial department's Achilles heel. We have tried just about every product on the market to clean the white calcium water spots that reappear everyday. Water, in New Brighton, is some of the 'hardest' water in Minnesota. Even using 'soft' water did not eliminate the problem. This water feature is a very important part of the facility to our owners, the Donatelle brothers. They pay a lot of attention to details and when that fountain started to look worn and scaly all the time, they demanded an immediate solution. I researched Diamon-Fusion® on the internet and was interested to see it involved nano-technology that I had just started to read about in other professional publications. I was interested, but not highly motivated as I had tried so many other products with no success. I had the employee coat a small section of the fountain with Diamon-Fusion®. to test out what this product could really do. The sample area held-up spectacularly. We watched it for weeks. The surface remained shiny and clean. It was obvious the water spots could not stick to the coating, nor penetrate the surface. After a month I went 'all in' and authorized the expense of coating the entire fountain with Diamon-Fusion®. It has been over six months since the fountain was cleaned and coated with this product and it shows no signs of giving-up. My custodial crew only needs to spend a few minutes everyday wiping it down with a damp rag and we are totally free of white spots. Most importantly, the owners were very happy with the results. Thanks for the wonderful product(s), it has completely removed my 'fountain fears'. 

Phil Herbold, Facilities Engineer at Donatelle Plastics - New Brighton, MN

I had some Diamon-Fusion® on my first Ridgeline and loved it. Although, it was an option that Checkered Flag Honda offered at the time, when I went to get a new vehicle they no longer offered it. In the Hampton Roads, Diamon-Fusion® is a must and a product that I stand behind, as I have seen how it stands up to road debris.

Anthony Sarquilla - Portsmouth, Virginia

I was out on a fishing charter in Whittier, Alaska and the captain had Diamon-Fusion® applied to the windshield of the vessel. There was a dramatic improvement in visibility and I can see how this would improve safety on my boat. I have a small fishing boat with approximately 10 square feet of windshield and I would like to apply one of your products to it! 

Scott DubBrow - Cedar Grove, NJ

I treated the front windshield of my car with Diamon-Fusion® NanoPax over two months ago. We live in north-central Iowa, which means we have about every kind of weather you can think of. Since I treated the windshield we have had an early-spring, eight-inch snow, sleet, and several rains. That's about par for the course this time of year. A couple of days after putting on the DFI, I was on the highway going to work when it started to rain. I rolled along for several miles before I realized I hadn't turned the windshield wipers on. I simply didn't notice that I needed them. Here I was going about 65 in a moderate rain and I had almost normal visibility without using the wipers. The rain was beading up (tiny beads) on the windshield and flying off the glass so fast that there was no need for wipers. Sure, if a semi passed me and kicked up a spray I had to use the wipers, but that was about it. I had tried another windshield product a couple of years ago and got tired of reapplying it every few days. After one good rain you could tell "brand X" was wearing off and you always had to reapply it after going through a car wash. I eventually threw the bottle away without using it all. Well, in addition to our smorgasbord of weather the past month, the car has been washed three times and I see no sign that the DFI treatment is wearing off. I know it won't last forever, but I certainly won't mind if I only have to reapply it once every few months. This is a product that flat out works!

David Gervic

I have been in the window cleaning business for nearly 20 years and Diamon-Fusion® protective coating is the best prodcut that I have come across.

Mike Long, Owner of Clean Services Northwest Inc. - Portland, OR

I am very impressed with DFI and looking to incorporate more Diamon-Fusion® coating projects across the campus...I have cut my window cleaning by 50% and saved $12,000-$14,000 per year since Diamon-Fusion® was applied to our windows.

Brian Worley, Director of Facilities & Campus Services, Claremont McKenna College - Claremont, CA

With respect to the utilization of the Diamon-Fusion® protective coating, we apply it every time we replace the windshield wipers. During rain, Diamon-Fusion® notably improves the visibility because the water droplets run rapidly over the windshield and in some cases, it eliminates the need for the electrical windshield wipers. It also improves the efficiency of the windshield wipers in the case of removing oil or mud. It has truly been a great safety feature for our team as Diamon-Fusion® has not only demonstrated great impact resistance, but improved race track visibility during rainy conditions, a very significant asset for our drivers. 

Rafael Croceri, Race Track & Logistics Engineer, Team CHEVROLET YPF Super TC200

The Academy's experience with DFI and its product has been very positive. The end product is everything I was told it would be resulting in lower labor and material costs. My custodians spend less time wiping sticky fingerprints from the glass using only a microfiber cloth and no chemicals. The feedback from the custodians has been positive too; 'I don't know what you did to the glass' one of them said to me, 'but we like it,'

Jock Young, Facilities Manager at California Academy of Science - San Francisco, CA

We requested Diamon-Fusion® to be applied to the newly constructed GLASSource corporate headquarters in an effort to reduce maintenance costs, protect our glass entrance doors from scratching and guard against staining from building material leaching. By applying Diamon-Fusion®, we are ensuring the optimization of our high-performance glass and affirming our building's windows will look beautiful for years to come.

Jim Arnold, President GLASSource - Grand Haven, MI

I was impressed with DFI's ability to restore several high-profile windows at the West Marine HQ, which had been badly water damaged from concrete leaching. After they treated the glass with Diamon-Fusion®, the windows looked good as new and are now very easy to clean. 

Erick Taylor, PacCom Management Supervisor at West Marine Headquarter - Watsonville, CA

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